
You are welcomed to check our reference list below.

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  • BMW - Munich

    Software design and commissioning for two lines.

    Production standby.

    Perion of implementation 2017

  • AUDI - Ingolstad

    Software design and commissioning of new lines cockpit.

    Period of implementation 2017.

  • AUDI - Brussels

    Participation in software implementation and EBV line commissioning.

    Perion of implementation 04.2017 to 07.2017

  • VW Wrzesnia - Poznań

    Paint shop - performs 65% software and commissioning for transport line.

    Project implemented in the period from 05.2015 to 04.2017.

  • AUDI in San Jose Chiappa - Meksyk

    Finall assembly plants - 90% software and commissioning. Design during the period from 06.2015 to 09.2016.

  • Ford Otosan, Turkey – general assembly

    Completion of control system software for general assembly of Otosan Ford car plant in Turkey. The project covered 90% of the whole implementation.